20019.09-2020.12黄冈师范学院 生物与农业资源学院讲师、副教授
2018.01-2019.08橡树岭国家实验室(田纳西大学)能源植物 访问学者
2013.9-2014.7武汉大学生命科学学院 植物遗传发育学 访问学者
2009.9-2012.7南京林业大学林学院 森林培育 博士
2006.9-2009.7长江大学园艺园林学院 作物遗传育种 硕士
2000.9-2004.7长江大学生命科学学院 生物技术学士
[1] Cheng, H., Zha, S., Luo, Y., Li, L., Wang, S., Wu, S., Rao, S., Cheng, S., &Li, L.* JAZ1-3 and MYC2-1 Synergistically Regulate the Transformation from Completely Mixed Flower Buds to Female Flower Buds inCastanea mollisima. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(12), 6452.
[2] Deng, K., Li, L., Li, L., Xu, F., Yuan, H., Zha, S., Xiao, X., Yu, J., Cheng, S. &Cheng, H*. Molecular Mechanism of Selenium Affecting the Synthesis of Flavonoids inG. bilobaLeaves. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2022, 40(2), 232-246.
[3] Honghui, Y. U. A. N., Linling, L. I., Li, L. I.,Cheng, H.*, & Cheng, S. Promoter activity analysis and transcriptional profile ofGinkgo biloba1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate reductoisomerase gene (GbDXR) under abiotic stresses. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 50(1), 12562-12562.
[4] Liu D, Hu R, Zhang J, Guo H-B,Cheng H, Li L, Borland AM, Qin H, Chen J-G, Muchero W, Tuskan GA, Yang X. Overexpression of an Agave Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Improves Plant Growth and Stress Tolerance. Cells. 2021; 10(3):582.
[5] Liu, D., Chen, M., Mendoza, B.,Cheng, H., Hu, R., Li, L., ... & Yang, X. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis for functional genomics research of crassulacean acid metabolism plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(22), 6621-6629.
[6] Linling L I, Honghui Y, Sanxing Z H A, et al. Transcriptome-based Discovery of AP2/ERF Transcription Factors Related to Terpene Trilactones Synthesis in Ginkgo biloba[J]. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47(3): 792-803.(通讯作者)
[7] Linling L I, Jie Y U, Honghui Y, et al. High-Density Kinetic Analysis of the Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Response of Ginkgo biloba Flavonoids Biosynthesis to Selenium Treatments[J]. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47(3): 772-783. (通讯作者)
[8] Cheng J, Jiang D Z, Cheng H, et al. Determination of Camellia oleifera Abel. germplasm resources of genetic diversity in China using ISSR markers[J]. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2018, 46(2): 501-508.
[9] Yingyou FANG, Linling LI, Yongliang ZHENG, Honghui YUAN, Xuehua ZHANG, Shuiyuan CHENG, Hua CHENG*. Extraction, Isolation and Identification of Antimicrobial Substances from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CMN1308. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2017, 45(1):308-315.
[10]Cheng, H.,Linling, L. I., Juan, H. U. A., Honghui, Y. U. A. N., & Cheng, S. A Preliminary Preparation of Endophytic Bacteria CE3 Wettable Powder for Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2015, 43(1): 45-63.
[11]Cheng, S. Y., Li, L. L., Yuan, H. H., Xu, F., &Cheng, H*. Molecular cloning and characterization of GbMECT and GbMECP gene promoters from Ginkgo biloba. GMR. 2015, 14(4): 15112-15122.
[12]Zhang Xuehua, Li Linling, Cheng Shuiyuan*,Cheng Hua*.Characterizing CMN1308, a Novel Strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, for Potential Biological Control Application. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2016, 44(1): 60-66.
[13]Cheng, H., Li, L., Cheng, S*., Cao, F*., Wang, Y., & Yuan, H. Molecular Cloning and Function Assay of a Chalcone Isomerase Gene (GbCHI) fromGinkgo biloba. Plant Cell Reports, 2011, 30(1): 1-14.
[14]Cheng Hua, Li Linling, Xu Feng, Cheng Shuiyuan*, Cao Fuliang*, et al. Expression patterns of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene involved in lignin biosynthesis and environmental stress in Ginkgo biloba. Molecular Biology Reports, 2013, 40(1): 707-721.
[15]Cao, F.,Cheng, H.,Cheng, S*., Li, L., Xu, F., Yu, W., & Yuan, H.Expression of SelectedGinkgo bilobaHeat Shock Protein Genes After Cold Treatment Could Be Induced by Other Abiotic Stress. IJMS, 2012, 13(5): 5768-5788.
[16]Cheng Hua, Li Linling, Xu Feng, Wang Yan, Yuan Honghui, Wu Conghua, Wang Shaobing, Liao Zhiqin, Hua Juan, Wang Yuping, Cheng Shuiyuan*, Cao Fuliang*. Expression patterns of an isoflavone reductase-like gene and its possible roles in secondary metabolism in Ginkgo biloba. Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32(5): 637-650.
[17]C Hua,L Linling, C Shuiyuan*, C Fuliang*, X Feng, W Yan, J Dezhi, Y Honghui, W Conghua.Characterization of a cinnamoyl-CoA reductase gene inGinkgo biloba: Effects on lignification and environmental stresses. AJB, 2012, 11(26): 6780-6794.
[18]Li, L. L.,Cheng, H., Yuan, H. H., Xu, F., Cheng, S. Y*., & Cao, F. L*. Functional characterization of the Ginkgo biloba chalcone synthase gene promoter in transgenic tobacco. GMR, 2014, 13(2): 3446-3460.
[19]Hua, C.,Linling, L., Shuiyuan, C.*, Fuliang, C.*, Feng, X., Honghui, Y., & Conghua, W. Molecular cloning and characterization of three genes encoding dihydroflavonol-4- reductase from Ginkgo biloba in anthocyanidin biosynthesis pathway. PloS One, 2013, 8(8): e72017.
[20]Li Linling,Cheng Hua, Hua Juan, Yuan Honghui, Xu Feng and Cheng Shuiyuan*. Screening and Control Efficacy of Endophytic Bacteria CE3 From Castanea mollissima Blume. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2015, 9(2): 893-898.
[21]Li Linling,Cheng Hua, Hua Juan, Yuan Honghui, Xu Feng and Cheng Shuiyuan*. Biological control of postharvest diseases of chestnut fruit by microbial antagonists- endophytic bacteria CE3. Postharvest Biology and Technology. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2015, 9(1): 455-467.
[22]Shuiyuan Cheng, Weiwei Zhang, Nannan Sun, Feng Xu*, Linling Li, Yongling Liao,Hua Cheng. Production of Flavonoids and Terpene Lactones from Optimized Ginkgo biloba Tissue Culture. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2014, 42(1): 88-93
[23]Feng Xu*, Weiwei Zhang, Yongling Liao, Linling Li,Hua Cheng, Shuiyuan Cheng. An R2R3-MYB transcription factor as a negative regulator of the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway in Ginkgo biloba. Funct. Integr. Genomics, Funct Integr Genomics, 2014, 14(1): 177-189.
[1] 恩施德源健康科技发展有限公司横向合作研究项目,富硒板栗栽培技术集成及富硒代餐粉产品开发(whpu-2021-kj-302),2021.11-2023.11,10万,主持人:程华
[2] 2020湖北大别山药业股份有限公司横向合作项目:大别山区金银花品种选育及绿色高效栽培技术集成与示范(20120200410),10万,主持人。
[3] 黄冈师范学院横向合作研究项目,果树靶向加硒技术在板栗中的集成和应用(whpu-2021-kj-501),2021.12-2022.12,5万,主持人:程华.
[4] 2019年黄冈师范学院高级别团队培育项目201907103:AP2-ERFs家族调控银杏萜内酯生物合成的功能解析及途径,10万,主持人
[5] 2017湖北省科技支撑重大专项(民族专项):提高银杏叶片有机硒及黄酮含量的调控技术与示范(D20170018),12.5万,主持人(湖北省中药材研究所,黄冈师范学院);
[6] 2017年经济林木种质改良与资源综合利用湖北省重点实验室开放基金重点项目(2017AX02): AP2/ERF成员靶向调控银杏萜内酯生物合成的对话机制,5万元,主持人。
[7] 2016年湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划重点项目(D20162901): AP-ERFs转录因子调控银杏类黄酮生物合成的功能解析,4万,主持人。
[8] 2016年黄冈师范学院科技创新团队项目(201613303).罗田板栗高效产业化研究,10万,主持人。
[9] 2016年入选湖北省青年科技晨光计划人才. AP2-ERFs转录因子调控银杏萜内酯生物合成的功能解析,3万,主持人。
[10] 2015年国家留学基金委公派出国留学项目(留金法[2014]5050):首尔大学地方公派合作留学项目,12万,主持人。
[11] 2014年国家自然科学基金项目(31400556/C1610):银杏萜内酯合成关键酶基因启动子的功能解析,50万,主持人。
[12] 2014年湖北省教育厅青年教师出国留学项目(鄂教外函[2014]59号):首尔大学地方公派合作留学项目,4万,主持人。
[13] 2013年湖北省自然科学基金项目(2013CFB471):银杏萜内酯合成关键酶基因启动子调控元件的功能分析,6万,主持人。
[14] 2012年湖北省教育厅科学技术研究项目(Q20122708):银杏响应高温、强光表达基因GbAPX1和GbAPX2的分离及功能调控机理研究, 2万,主持人。
[15] 2012年国家自然科学基金项目(31270717/C161101):两个WD40转录因子对银杏类黄酮生物合成调控的研究(程水源主持), 86万,第3参与人。
[16] 2010年湖北省自然科学基金项目(2010CDZ026):福白菊与杭菊主要栽培品系的遗传差异研究, 1万,主持人。
[17] 2009年国家自然科学基金项目(30971974/C1501):银杏叶黄酮关键基因GbPAL1与GbCHS2启动子的克隆与功能研究(程水源主持), 32万,第2参与人。
[8]论文《Molecular Cloning and Function Assay of a Chalcone Isomerase Gene (GbCHI) fromGinkgo biloba》(Plant Cell Reports, 2011年)获湖北省第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2012年11月(第1作者)
[9]论文《Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Three Genes Encoding Dihydroflavonol-4-Reductase from Ginkgo biloba in Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Pathway》(Plos one, 2014年)获湖北省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2014年11月(第1作者)
[15]论文《Expression patterns of an isoflavone reductase-like gene and its possible roles in secondary metabolism in Ginkgo biloba》获黄冈市第六届优秀学术论文二等奖,2013年12月(第1作者)
[16]论文《Molecular Cloning and Function Assay of a Chalcone Isomerase Gene (GbCHI) from Ginkgo biloba》获黄冈市第六届优秀学术论文三等奖,2011年11月(第1作者)